10 signs you might need probiotics.
Probiotics are microorganisms that reside in our intestine. They are the good bugs that crowd out the bad bugs. This helps inhibit infection, inflammation and disease. Over 20,000 scientific studies and research papers link probiotic supplements to real and lasting health benefits. In fact, many doctors believe probiotics are the most important supplement you can take! But, here are some telltale signs you might need a step up your probiotic use. Antibiotics “Antibiotics” are designed to kill the bad, harmful bacteria in our bodies. unfortunately along the way they can wipe out the good bacteria. If you have taken even one dose of antibiotics in the last 3-5 years, you…
Making Supplementation Simple[r]!
It sure would be convenient if a vitamin supplement could take the place of real food, but unfortunately, that is not how we are designed. We are designed to eat real food throughout the day. Supplements are to fill in the gaps, and sadly, many of us have gaps. Sifting through the forest of supplement options can be confusing. I can help. Suggestion; A Well-being Consultation. This is a personalized well-being consultation to help you put together a sustainable plan to review with your MD – supplements, menu, grocery list, recipes, a directory of health practitioners in your area and more… Keep this in mind. Not all supplements are alike. Seek supplementation that…
Prescription-Induced Deficiencies
Taking medications? Check this out to see if your medication might be impacting your nutritional status. PRESCRIPTION INDUCED NUTRIENT DEFICIENCIES
Osteoporosis: Slowing it down!
It starts with getting adequate calcium in your first 30 years of life. There are a number of lifestyle factors that can help with the latter: Getting regular exercise, especially weight-bearing and muscle strengthening exercise. Getting adequate vitamin D, whether through diet, exposure to sunshine, or supplements. Look for a multivitamin that supplies 800 to 1,000 IU of vitamin D per day. If your multi only has 400 IU of vitamin D, consider taking an extra supplement. Many people may need 2,000 IU per day (or more) of vitamin D for adequate blood levels, particularly if they have darker skin, spend winters at higher latitudes (such as the northern U.S.), or…
Are you getting enough calcium? [calculator]
Calcium is a mineral that the body needs for numerous functions, including building and maintaining bones and teeth, blood clotting, the transmission of nerve impulses, and the regulation of the heart’s rhythm.The recommended intake as per the National Academy of Sciences is: 1,000 milligrams/day for those age 19 to 50 1,200 milligrams/day for those age 50 or over 1,000 milligrams/day for pregnant or lactating adult women Click here for calculator: This will walk you through the foods you eat, and the amount of calcium you get on a daily basis. It will then tell you if you are deficient. The body gets the calcium … From your food:Dairy products, dark leafy…
A Simple Way to add a Mile a Day
Here is a simple action plan for increasing your steps! Always check with your health professional before making diet/lifestyle changes. Click here for STEP IT UP plan…
Breathe Like a Seal
At times our life get stressful, but probably not as stressful as the life of a Navy Seal during special ops. Yes, we all have to occasionally dodge a figurative bullet or two, but Navy Seals face the possibility of confronting the real thing. Stress sets in motion a cacophony of hormones that can undermine mental focus and the ability to intelligently respond to crisis.This is something a Seal cannot afford. Neither can you. Stress creates a cellular mess for all of us. It messes with the brain cells and the ability to learn and think clearly. It messes with the heart, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke. …
11 Secrets to Memorize Thing Quicker than Others.
I thought this was pretty fascinating. A world memorization champion shares his secrets. It is pretty interesting.
Good Food on a Tight Budget
Think eating healthy is for the rich? Think again. This is a wonderful download from the Environmental Working Group Find it here: Good Food on a Tight Budget
Fat Deficiency Symptom Checker
Too little fat in your diet? Say what? Yes, you, might be getting too little. Not eating enough fat can create all sorts of problems including, believe it or not, making you fatter. [more on that later] Even the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has changed their recommendations on fat intake. It no longer includes an upper level of total fat intake AND even more importantly, it doesn’t recommended low fat foods or diets for obesity prevention. Yo udefinitely want to avoid the bad fats – transfats, overheated fats, hydrogenated fats [read labels, limit fried and grilled food, and get rid of the margerine and processed meats. – but you need the…