A Supplement Strategy
It sure would be convenient if a vitamin supplement could take the place of real food, but unfortunately, that is not how we are designed. We are designed to eat real food, mostly vegetables [and some fruit] throughout the day. That does not mean we do not need supplements. I’m with Dr. Walter Willett [Harvard School of Public health] who agrees that supplements do play an important role of filling in the gaps we have in our diet due to lifestyle choices or deficits in our food supply. If you think you might quality as someone who DOES NOT NEED supplements. Heres the check list. – You eat lots of…
A Protein Rule of Thumb
Check with your supervising health professionals for direction on how much protein you should have in your diet a day. PROTEIN CALCULATOR Click here to discover how much protein you need daily When you eat foods that contain protein, they get broken down into basic units, called amino acids. Think of them as building blocks – like legos. These building blocks form muscles, blood cells, and the heart, brain and hormones and glands.. Proteins are needed to build our immune system. To put it simply, without adequate protein you would fall apart and be as weak as water and very ill. Break up your intake throughout the day. [Do not…
A Serenity Strategy
STRESS is deadly. It drains nutrients and creates imbalances that break down your brain, your heart and adrenals. It causes you to store fat. It destroys energy. HOW MANY SOURCES OF STRESS ARE IN YOUR LIFE? Frustrations Mechanical Barriers Technology Traffic Jams Relationship Barriers Threats Financial burdens Job insecurity Insecurities Dissatisfied with self Conflict between the way you think things should be and the way they are. Health Assaults Anti-nutritional food Sedentary lifestyle HOW IS THIS STRESS DESTROYING YOUR HEALTH Physical Health Alcohol /Tobacco cravings Over/undereating Constricted arteries “Sticky” blood Bone loss Increased cholesterol Racing heart Irritated Bowel Acid stomach Blood sugar imbalances Joint and muscle stress Immune impairment Accident proneness…
Restaurant Strategies.
Let’s face it, everybody loves eating at a restaurant now and then, but it seems almost impossible to make good food choices when faced with so many options. Here are some suggestions for eating well when you’re eating out: Avoid buffets and other all-you-can-eat restaurants Don’t go when you’re starving; eat a small snack first Limit alcoholic beverages Keep your hands out of the breadbasket, or even better, ask the server not to bring it Go for the salad bar Order items that have been prepared healthfully: steamed, broiled, roasted, etc. Don’t be afraid to ask for substitutions If portions are large, split yours with someone Keep low-glycemic foods in…
An Exercise Strategy
The goal of any training sessions is simple. Incinerate Fat Tone and build Muscle Before we get started, let’s dispel some myths and share some facts that could be standing in the way of your commitment to exercise. Myths and Facts about Exercise STRATEGY START TODAY: You can enjoy many of the benefits of exercise just by intentionally moving more – taking a daily walk with a friend, dancing harder, playing with the kids more often, and loving your partner more passionately. All of these things are a powerful step in the right direction. Start there. TAKE IT UP A NOTCH: Diversify your exercise options. Get on a treadmill, elliptical or stationary…
A Sleep Strategy
GOAL: 8 HOURS A DAY WHY? While you enjoy your rest, your body is hard at work. A construction crew consisting of various hormones are rebuilding and recalibrating your body. Some of the things they do: Erase fine lines on your face Build bone Build lean muscle Heal tissue Decrease sugar cravings Help you utilize blood sugar efficiently Fortify your cells again cancerous mutations Help you process and organize your thoughts When they finish, they provide you with a burst of energy to start your day On the other hand, if you are not giving them a full work day, inevitably there will be a deterioration of your health, both mental and…
- Exercise/Movement, Food/Drink, Gut Health, Health Strategies, Moods/Emotions, Sleep/Naps, Stress Management, Supplements, Uncategorized
Low Energy? How to stoke it.
You have an engine inside your cells that generates energy. This engine is called “the mitochondria.” This is where the air you breath and the nutrients you eat meet to create ENERGY. If your mitochondria is not working well, you feel depleted and you will age faster. A mitochondrial dysfunction might produce symptoms such as chronic fatigue, sluggish metabolism, digestive disorders, memory loss, brain fog, blood sugar irregularities, and chronic pain. Even a predisposition to cancer is related to mitochondrial function. When working properly, mitochondria can effectively kill off the damaged, potentially cancerous cells we produce every day, replacing them with healthy cells. Here are some simple ways to boost…
CLA – fat-burning, immune boosting
To Enroll in the Live Well Now System click here The following information is for educational purposes only. Always check with your supervising health professional before making diet and lifestyle changes. KEY POINTS Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a polyunsaturated fat found in linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid found mostly in plant oils. CLA helps your body build muscle rather than store fat and has anti-inflammatory properties. It may even help prevent cancer. The best natural sources of CLA are grass-fed beef, butter and full-fat dairy. Animals need real grass and greens in their diets to make CLA, so it’s important to go for grass-fed sources. Another source is…
Recipes Fresh Fruits and Veggies
Recipes for Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month!
Good Bug Bad Bugs